Ever since I met the Seven Gypsy Fairies I knew that
these fairies belonged in my yard. They are not for sale! However, I encourage anyone interested in these fairies to get acquainted with the fairies in your own garden. I am sure the right representation of your fairy or fairies (in my case seven) will appear along your path. It may take some time. Put it out to the Universe and it will happen at the right time.
I am happy to share some of my "make over tips" if you find some vintage dolls. I am no doll repair expert but, I am sure the internet is full of them.
My mantra for creativity : "If you don't feed it, It won't grow!" This is where gardening principals join art.
I got this text with picture from my daughters:
Potential Fairies
I adore how my girls wear their fairy wings into adulthood.